2024 Club Regatta

Roll up for the 2024 Club Regatta, up to 3 fun races, absolutely everyone invited. Saturday 28th September, first start not before 1330hrs.
For those who do not know about the annual Bart's Bash Race, completed by clubs all over the world during September, have a look here. The Andrew Simpson Foundation is an excellent charity, which passionately believes that everyone should have the chance to try sailing and enjoy the many benefits that it brings.
Following the success of the Club Regatta and Bart's Bash last year, we are rolling the 2 events together this year. A rough format will be:-
Race 1 - A Regatta Race, starting off the river line at 1330hrs, finishing in the at or near Baverstock.
Race 2 - A 2nd Regatta Race and also Bart's Bash Race (same race). Starting and finishing at or near Baverstock, no start before 1430hrs.
Race 3 - At the RO's discretion, a 3rd Regatta Race, starting at or near Baverstock and finishing at the club line in the river.
Prizes will be awarded and there will be a collection for the Andrew Simpson Foundation.
Join us!!! Everyone welcome and Club dinghies available to hire here
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