The club has a whole range of social activities and events taking place throughout the year, together with a very active members volunteer group. The latter covers both club and on the water support duties and is an excellent channel to get involved and maximise your enjoyment of the club.
Members are also invited to join a full programme of social activities throughout the year from the Winter Talks on Wednesdays to our monthly Quiz Nights as well as Themed Nights and informal suppers. We also hold an annual Summer Party, Christmas events and a New Year’s Eve Party.
The programme also includes a variety of daytime and evening events for club members throughout the year. These are advertised by posters and via the weekly email newsletter, so you will get up to date information about all our social activities. Further details can be found in the Social Programme and Events Calendar and also on the Club's Facebook page.

The club has a fantastic team of staff in the kitchen and bar, but most of the events would not be possible without help from volunteers. Helping behind the scenes is a great way to get to know your fellow club members, so feel free to join in by talking to any of the House Committee members.
If you are thinking of joining, or an existing member and have not managed, for whatever reason, to get afloat or get involved, and would appreciate some personal direction, simply get in touch. Call the office or drop an email to and one of our team or experienced members will contact you directly.