Activities Summary
We continue our program of Lockdown Activities, which hopefully has a bit of something for everyone. Quick summary:-
Kids (age 4 to 90ish) lockdown courses from Friday 12th February. More details
We have advanced/experience coaching and technical talks on Monday nights which will be run by Hugh Styles and some guest speakers. More details
Wednesday night is targeted for improvers and return to sailing with the ‘Gareth and Karl talk sailing’ sessions, which will be interspersed with guest participants. More details
Thursday night is kept for our regular talks. More details
First Friday of the month is the Club quiz. More details
Plus, some additional things going on during the day, including Yoga with Ali. More details
All of which are free to members.
LTSC Kids Lockdown Programme

LTSC have pulled together an eight-week learning programme for all our younger members and junior sailors, but is definitely open to all who maybe wish to learn something new. The course will be created and delivered by our very Dougal Harris who heads up our junior sailing and all participants will receive a certificate at the end…….and possibly a cheeky chocolate bar.
Each week we will have a separate subject and provide links to a short video, followed by a simple test on the subject, with which they can complete in their own time….parents are allowed to help…..and may be learn some things as well : ) No zooms involved here unless we decide to add them as short get togethers or any additional support.
To add an additional twist, Dougal will also add an optional challenge for each subject that relates to our own local area. We will send out a mail to all who are on the children and family mailing list, which will include the link to the video, the link to the questions and Dougal's challenge. If you are not sure if you are on that list drop a mail to office@ltsc.co.uk and we’ll add you…will be good learning and fun for any children between the age of 4 to early 90’s : )
Monday Night Coaching and Technical

This is targeted at more experienced sailors, however some of the subject matter will definitely be beneficial to all sailors of any experience. We have secured Hugh Styles and some guest speakers to run a number of sessions. Start times my vary, but most week’s talks will commence at 20.00 although we will admit people from 19.45 onwards for idle chat and hellos’.
The sessions will cover what’s your target for success for this season, where are you now in performance terms relative to that target and how do you plan to get better to deliver this seasons target performance.
LTSC Zoom 2:
Click on link: https://zoom.us/j/2818039925
Or via Zoom App: Meeting ID: 281 803 9925
Wednesday Night – Gareth and Karl talk sailing

Sailing? Do you remember what that is? During yet another lockdown and with snow on the ground it seems hard to imagine putting on your wetsuit and launching a dinghy - it all might feel a long way off! However, it's doesn't need to be, it won't be so long that we have lovely light evenings and warm Spring/Summer days and our freedom granted back to us.
Why not join our series of free online training sessions aimed at Improvers and those who might want to Start Racing? The series will be hosted by a number of our Club sailors and Coaches who will help reignite your desire to get back afloat and try out your new skills!
The sessions will be run on a Wednesday evening on Zoom 2 from 8-9pm and recorded to ensure you don't miss anything. Even if you are not yet interested in racing or dinghy sailing you will find the sessions useful, whilst they will use principles that we have learned from racing to improve speed and boat handling they will not be entirely racing or dinghy focused. The same principles apply to a Scow, Laser, RS Quest or Cruising Yacht. We will also include some helpful information about local weather and tide.
Come and give it a go, after all there's not much else going on during a dark February/March evening!
Next session is on Wednesday 17th March at 8pm on Zoom 2. No registration required.
LTSC Zoom 2:
Click on link: https://zoom.us/j/2818039925
Or via Zoom App: Meeting ID: 281 803 9925
Other Talks and Activities
Thursday Night Talks
Thursday night will remain as our regular slot for talks covering a wide range of subjects. Full details of all future talks will be included in the weekly newsletter.
Quiz Nights
On the first Friday of each month we host the club quiz run by different hosts.
Yoga Sessions – Free to all members
Yoga is celebrated for numerous health benefits, offering connection to the body and stress relief, to developing flexibility, core strength, posture and balance improvements. Join me online for a physical and well being practice.
Wednesday 2pm-3pm - All levels, total beginners welcome.
This class will focus on mobility, core strength, and balance.
Friday 9.30am-10.45am - All levels.
This class will offer an enhanced practice, including a vinyasa flow sequence and a 10 minute guided mindfulness breath-work practice.
Contact Ali Herbert on 07719 419644 for more details. Prior to joining please complete the pre-activity health questionnaire here and email to Ali. Please also read the student guidelines and disclaimer here.
Coffee Mornings
We have now opened up Zoom 1 for Casual coffee at 10.00 to 11.00 on weekdays. This may or may not have a host on any particular day, but is open to all members to dive in, arrange to meet and chat. If anyone wishes to use the zoom room for a specific group meeting outside that time, drop Emma a mail at office@ltsc.co.uk and she will book for you. Please click here for the Zoom Room 1 link including password.
LTSC Online Sailing Courses
LTSC have now partnered with Southampton based sailingcourseonline.co.uk to provide a range of courses with significant discounts for members. These include:-
Course RRP LTSC Members Price
RYA Day Skipper Online Theory £289.99 £199.00
RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Offshore Online Theory £289.99 £199.00
RYA SRC / VHF Online Radio Course £49.99 £40.00
RYA Fastrack to Yachtmaster (all of the above in full) £460.00 £398.00
For more course and booking details, please click here.
Enjoy your walks and stay safe!